This project is inspired by the award-winning film "Spirited Away," directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The design approach will focus on reimagining the film's iconic scenes and characters using contemporary motion graphics and digital animation techniques. The goal is to evoke the same sense of wonder, mystery, and beauty that made the original film a classic while infusing it with new creative elements.

Following extensive deliberation, I have identified the storyboard that most effectively aligns with the selected typography, animations, and characters, ensuring a faithful emulation of the original film. The three outlined animation concepts below demonstrate the iterative development undertaken to cohesively integrate all elements and achieve a harmonious final composition. The first video presents the initial typography and visual elements. The second video builds upon this foundation by incorporating captions that reference the original film's markers, producers, and contributors. The third video integrates audio and includes final refinements to the visuals.

Solo Project

Animation | Art Direction | Typography